The Heath Golf Club's Local Rules

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Competition Rules Review and update February 3rd 2025

GENERAL AREA. (Fairways and Rough).
Lift, clean and place your ball within 6" and not nearer the hole.
The areas of the Course disturbed by recent Mulching and Excavation work are now deemed G.U.R. and RELIEF is afforded within one Club Length at the nearest point of relief and not nearer the hole. (Note the areas are quite extensive are not marked but are easily identifiable)


The soft areas of the Course and the approach to greens are roped off to prevent the passage of buggies and caddy cars.

The areas protected are all in play and the ropes and support stakes are classified as IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS.
If the lie of your ball is such that your stance or area of intended swing is obstructed select your "Relief Point" and drop your ball within one Club Length not nearer the hole.

If in the course of executing your shot and your ball strikes the "Immovable Obstruction" you MUST retake your shot from the Original Position from where your ball was struck.

PROTECTED TREES: In affording maximum protection to the newly planted trees (IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS) in circumstances where your ball lies close to the tree and your Stance or area of Intended Swing is impacted by the tree you must select your “Relief Point “and drop your ball within One Club Length from such point and not nearer the hole.

BUNKERS: Are in play lift your ball rake sand underneath and reposition your ball for your Bunker Shot.

GREENS: When your ball comes to rest on the Green and your line of putt is compromised by,
(A) Surface Damage caused by Animal or Bird,
(B) Artificial hole cover set by Greens Staff,
the player may take relief to the side and not nearer the hole.

Local Rules and Rule 16 of Rules of Golf: Golfers are advised to familiarize themselves with the Rules as outlined.
A copy will be on display in the Locker Rooms on the Club Website and on Club V1.
Golfers should keep a copy on their possession for ease of reference.

Course and Competitions
Feb 3rd 2025.